Our research concerns software and hardware sides of embedded systems, where main features are limited visibility, autonomous operation, real-time activities and constrained resources.We focuse on cutting edge research in architectural modeling and analysis, language- based approaches for embedded systems, smart cameras. Our expertise spans from design concepts to various implementation technologies for building realistic prototypes in application domains of image processing and computer vision.
Currently, DREAM group focuses on the following themes:
- Silly(not smart!) Camera Networks (Lobna Ben Khalifa, PhD Std.)
- Direct mapping of CNN on FPGA (Kamel Abdelouahab, PhD Std.
- Dynamic and partial reconfiguration for image processing applications (Mehdi Abdali, PhD Std.)
- Multiview Smart camera (Jonathan Bonnard PhD Std.)
- Embedded visual SLAM algorithm (Abiel Aguilar PhD Std.)
- Visual odometry algorithm and architecture for fpga acceleration(Abiel Aguilar PhD Std.)
- CAPH: Dataflow-based High Level Synthesis (Jocelyn Sérot, PR)
- HOCL: Higher Order dataflow Coordination Language(Jocelyn Sérot, PR)